Thursday, February 10, 2011

Crap Central

Sorry for the funky title but seriously could not think of a better way to describe this particular space in my home. Once you see the before pictures you will totally side with me and believe this name is perfectly fitting.

So as I mentioned here, I have been slowly organizing/purging my home-emphasis on the slow part. :) First things first, get rid of the eye sore that is our side cabinet area and bar. Seriously, this is one of those places that is constantly neglected and the unfortunate part is it is in the wide open for all to see.

I mean, come on...what the heck is my deal and what the heck is half of this junk?!?!

Lots of pens-half don't work, tape dispensers that should be in my craft room, Christmas cards! Oh my, its February Cass!

Random cords, plugs, batteries...even paint samples-what the what! Wow, I need to seriously get a handle on this.

And look, it isn't just confined to the one area! oh no oh no, it has now started to take over our bar! Help, stat!

So I spent a good half an hour on organizing this; I went through every item and decided what to toss out, what to keep and where to put this stuff. Funny, most of the items had a more efficient place to store them then on this small section of countertop. I asked myself "Why didn't I do this before"!?!

Ahhhhh....I can breathe! Isn't it interesting how an area that is in disarray seems to be "yelling" at you and makes a ton of noise within the confines of your own head. Well this did just that to me; I was constantly frustrated when I looked in this direction before but's quiet. I shut the space up! Boo-yah!

Where did I put all the important papers and incoming mail, that seems to never cease; well folks we put it in our new wall/shelf/hutch thing. I have no idea what to call it but you get what I'm saying, right? The Hubs built it for me for Christmas, along with a side table. Isn't she lovely?

Oh and did you see...I picked out hardware...woot woot! Now I had every intention of picking from one of the selections I showed you here. You know, the ones I asked for your opinion on. Well you see what happened was, one outing to Home Depot (a different location then prior) The Hubs saw these and I couldn't resist their scroll-like features.

And aren't you proud...I didn't even have a matchy-matchy psychotic break when the hooks didn't "match" the knobs. I'm growing up...sorta :)

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